Monday, August 18, 2008


During the 20th Century in the U.S., I.Q. scores rose by an average of 3 points per decade but most experts don't think we were really getting smarter -- the tests themselves kept changing as did the average American, who by the end of the century was eating better, living in smaller families, and receiving more education -- Americans at the end of the century knew more stuff, but their overall intelligence (such as their abilities in problem solving and abstract reasoning) didn't change substantially over their ancestors' abilities

The word "lethologica" describes the state of not being able to remember the word you want

The first human sex-change operation took place in 1950 when Danish doctor Christian Hamburger operated on New Yorker George Jargensen, who became Christine Jargensen

Mazda La Puta -- "the whore" in Spanish
Mitsubishi Pajero -- "wanker" in Spanish
Nissan Moco -- "booger" in Spanish
Honda Fitta -- "cunt" in Norwegian and Swedish
Chevrolet Nova -- "it doesn't go" in Spanish
Daihatsu Charade -- "fake" or "phony" in English

People have been wearing eyeglasses for more than 700 years

About 85% of the mass of our universe is a form of "dark" matter that can be detected only through its gravitational force and does not form stars

Of the 100 largest "economies" in the world, 53 are corporations

Rats and horses can't vomit

The word PENIS is Latin and means TAIL

The first Social Security number was issued to Grace Owen of Concord, New Hampshire on November 24, 1936

The 772-778 digits of Pi: 9999998

U.S. median age: 36 years (male: 34.7 years, female: 37.4 years)

U.S. life expectancy at birth: 77.43 years (male: 74.63 years, female: 80.36 years)

The combined sales of the largest 200 companies constitute nearly 30% of the world's economic activity but employ less than 10% of the world's workforce

Largest organ of the human body: Skin, which for an average adult weighs about 10 lbs. and consists of 120 billion cells

Between 1970 and 1973, the United States dropped three times the quantity of explosives on Cambodia than it had dropped on Japan for the duration of World War II

20% of all road accidents in Sweden involve a moose

Largest importer of American cars: Canada

In 1902, 90% of all physicians in the U.S. had never attended college and 94% of the entire adult population had not graduated high school

Scientific name for your mouth: Buccal Cavitiy

Color of most school buses in the U.S.: National School Bus Chrome Yellow

If you know someone who died falling out of a tree, odds are that you're Brazilian

The word BOYCOTT comes from Charles C. Boycott, who was hired by an Irish Earl to collect high rents from tenant farmers -- the farmers realized they couldn't defeat the Earl or his collector using force so they decided on a strategy of completely ignoring Boycott's efforts -- the rents were eventually lowered and the tenant farmers declared a victory by means of their strategy to "boycott" the Earl

All ducks are female (males are drakes)

Monday, August 4, 2008


Room of the house most commonly remodeled in the U.S.: Bathroom

Canadians eat more Kraft Macaroni & Cheese dinners per capita than any other country in the world

Canola oil is actually rapeseed oil -- the name has been changed for marketing reasons

Guinness sells 7 million glasses of beer a day around the globe

People who have eaten both report that beetles taste like apples

Residents in Salt Lake City, Utah eat more lime-flavored Jell-O than any other city in the world

Pretzels were invented about 1,300 years ago by a monk to be a snack to be eaten during the Christian Lent -- the twists represent arms crossed in prayer

Kraft produces enough Cool Whip each year to fill the Grand Canyon

In the 1985 mayoral election in Boise, Idaho, four write-in ballots were cast for Mr. Potato Head

Since the formation of the United Nations in 1945, there have been 140 wars

Most likely day to eat out in the U.S.: Saturday (Monday is the least likely)

Last year Microsoft founder Bill Gates donated $100 million to fight AIDS -- as a percent of his income, this is equivalent to a donation of ten cents if he only had $60

The American Automobile Association (AAA) was formed in 1905 for the sole purpose of warning motorists of police speed traps

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax manual has instructions for employees on collecting taxes in the United States after a nuclear war

Dr. Seuss wrote "Green Eggs and Ham" after his editor bet him he could not write a book which contained less than 50 words

An octopus is about half the size of a flea when it is born

A rat's performance in a maze is improved when Mozart is played

Of all U.S. states, Montana has the most diversity of animal species

Every second somewhere in the world 2 Barbie dolls are sold

In 1903, the first year Crayola Crayons were sold, they were available in only 8 colors -- today, Crayola manufactures 120 different color crayons

On average, a language becomes extinct in the world every 2 weeks

The world's 350 billionaires have more assets than the combined wealth of the bottom 45% of the world's population

In 1926, a waiter in Budapest committed suicide and left his note in the form of a crossword puzzle -- the local police had the puzzle printed in the newspaper to solicit the publics' help in deciphering his message

Corporations that use U.S. prisoners as part of their labor force: Wal-Mart, JC Penney, Toys-R-Us, Revlon, Dell Computers, Nintendo, Starbucks, McDonald's, Pierre Cardin, Eddie Bauer (prisoners in 37 states are currently working for private companies, earning about $2 per day with a portion of their earnings paying for their incarceration)

Prison Blues clothing line, manufactured by garment workers in U.S. prisons, has the slogan: "Made on the inside to be worn on the outside"

U.S. city with the highest per capita viewers of t.v. Evangelical preachers: Washington, DC

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